WCCA Professional of the Year Award
Since 1998, each year the WCCA recognizes the accomplishments of an individual who has significantly contributed to the success of the goals and services of the WCCA. These folks are recognized for the positive impact they have made for the organization!
2018 Professional of
the Year Award
Ed Taylor
Department of Safety and Professional Services
Ed was the around when soil was first formed. It is in his blood. He has contributed to the POWTS program in Wisconsin since 1991, when he started out as a Wastewater Specialist with ILHR, and later with DSPS. He was instrumental in assisting in converting both government and the private sector from percolation tests to morphological evaluations back in the day. Recently, he has provided hands on training to both the private sector and county employees on soils and design of POWTS, which had been lacking. In the words of Karl Jennrich, "Ed is the last of the Jedi warriors of soils, very knowledgeable, helpful to the public and to counties." Thanks Ed!
Dick Mace Lifetime Achievement Award
Dale Dimond
Marathon County Douglas County
Dale is truly deserving of this award. With a total of 41 years in POWTS many people have relied on Dale for his expertise. The running joke is when we need with help on POWTS or have questions, who do we call? We call the Department of Safety and Professional Services. But who does DSPS call when they have questions? Dale Dimond! AS Dale faces retirement we want to thank him for all his years of service. Dale you are truly deserving of this award and you will be missed!

Dick Mace Lifetime Achievement Award
The Dick Mace Lifetime Achievement Award was started in 2012. It is awarded only when a worthy candidate is nominated and selected. Criteria for evaluating nominations for the award include the following:
The candidate has worked consistently and steadfastly to assure and/or improve resource protection and WCCA interests over a continuous period of at least 20 years.
The candidate has made one or more outstanding contributions , or a series of contributions, to advance, promote or improve the success of WCCA members and it's goals.
The candidate has led or inspired advancement of WCCA members, it’s goals and objectives and/or collaborative relationships with cooperating agencies and associations.